April 2014

We all have a new Spading Home; after 11 years in Beetle Spot we have a new room in SafeHarborGames

If you haven't joined us playing there yet; Simply click below.
Click download and pick the right system you have for the small download
Register an id there
Check your email to verify registration
Click spades
Click ForeverSpades

After you have done that, from now on just log in and come in our room as much as you want to play!


Welcome new members!
Make yourself at home and have fun spading!
Here are some helpful quick links, others are throughout the main league page!

FS Cookbook | FS Trivia | FS Milestones|
Who Do I Contact? | Tourney Calendar | FS Birthday Calendar
In My Dreams Radio | FS League Store

Spadesopoly was a huge success!!
Prizes and Participants may be viewed here!

Amber (s3xystriker) & Kevin (thunder4u77)
on your marriage!
May you have many blessed years together!

I would like to provide a little more information about SHG; since that's our new spading home!
Winners of our TOC every month will get a TOC icon for that month.

Suicide is no longer a 500 point difference option; its 500 points or however many of hands the tourney says!

Busted nils do not count toward your partners bid; if your partner's number bid doesn't get made its a double set.

There are no invite buttons; first called sets table and opps follow and join.
Please help TDs by getting to tables fast!

Please refrain from using the sounds during games and other distractions as to respect and show good sportsmanship by not distracting players.

If you hover mouse over table or name you see where the status of person or game is.
It is an adjustment for all of us, one that we will get used to and continue to enjoy our games!

As with any questions or assistance please contact any admin or staff.
We would be glad to help you!

Table Settings & New games with Rules
Come in the room look around and practice if you want anytime.
Get comfy!
It is a very user friendly site

If your SHG id does not match what you have in the main league page, please log into Forevers league page, click My Account, edit user id, and make the change to make it match.

Please do not withdraw to do this!
If you need any help ask an admin!


Jzimmie99 aka Joan
and Thank you for over 2500 tourneys hosted!

Congrats on HTD promotion TxShelly2014!!

Welcome to staff
Femster, Billlty, Im_gonna_go_nil, floridapacker

Complete List of our Tourney Directors
Thanks to each one for their dedication and fun they bring to ForeverSpades!

Want to do more for Foreverspades? If you're an active member and have time to run one or more tourneys per week;
how about being a Tournament Director? Just click here for the application!

Spring is here! I wanted to welcome Spring with a Word Scramble. All words have something to do with Spring.

E-Mail Ann0404@outlook.com

Word Scramble

Maggy's Corner

Maggy is visiting her new grandbaby for the first time and will provide us something for Maggy's Corner next month! Congrats Maggy on your new grand; enjoy every moment!

For those that pray

Remember our league members have their real lives, the person behind the id, and many have hardships of illness or other things going on and have unspoken requests. . Lets remember the unspoken requests and remember at the tables as we play to be a good sport and play fast and considerate of each other.

Whateva_u_desires requests prayer for Krayson, a 5 day old baby in her family that is struggling to live due to lung and blood problems. Very stressful time for the family and all involved trying to save his life.

Do you have anything you would like to share in the next newsletter?
Its simple and we want to hear from you!
Just email Maggy or email Ann

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." ~~ Michael Jordan

Your Newsletter team
Beauty & Crabby_Maggy
Ann & Maggy