Sunday, January 7, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Wishing everyone a new beginning for the year and hope your year is starting out great!

Foreverspades begins 2012 with 500 members. In December we had 71 new members, hosted 367 tourneys with 691 victories and 9971 matched played. What a way to end the year! WTG fOREVERSPADES!!

TOURNAMANIA IS COMING! From January 14 with 6pm tour thru Jan 15 with 5pm tour... tours every hour - 24 tours to play! All tours are 4 or 5 hands. So mark your calendar, get some rest and get ready for spading fun!!

Catch those snowflakes! For our January Special Event we have
BUILD A SNOWMAN GAME with Jan. Starts January 22 at 12am and ends January 28 with the 10pm tour. Play tours and earn snowman parts - plan to play and help these snowmen enjoy the snow tooo! 10 parts = 100 rating points Limit 2 snowmen per member Get your gloves and boots on and lets Build these Snowman and throw some snowballs too and spades toooo!!

I hope Santa came to see everyone and brought lots of presents. Getting ready for Christmas we had our 12 Days of Christmas Tours which sure was a great success with 57,425 buxs being gifted to winners and bounties of the 13 tours. Congrats to Sha, JJ, Rick, Maryetta, Janna, Linda, Sean, Vicki, Sue, Chris, Carol, John, Bryan, Foxy, Jo, Rjay, John, Jack, Mousey Renne and Christine all winning at least one bulb on our Christmas Tree.
I am already planning next years event :)


More League Winners and News......

Congratulations to our Special Tour winners in November.
- JJ482 and foreverskaren
BOS - Ladies - lin_ben1959 and playwith2win
TAG TEAM - amysmom8, Janna_leigh_22, kt4spades, and mouse_feathers_2
MEMBERS VS STAFF - Staff - txcarla and i_love_spades_1981


Congrats to mzluvspadez and jj482 winning the BOL OVERALL MONTHLY GAME this month bringing home the win for Foreverspades.

Thank you muffginter, Janna_leigh_22, mzluvspadez, jj482, dizzierdari, tooofast4u2hold, forevers_april, forevers_elena, lin_ben1959 and jc_rams2001 for representing Foreverspades in the Suicide, BOL, and Reflections Interleagues.


Winners of our Random Pard Wednesday Tours for November

5 Wins 3 Wins 2 Wins

















We have a terrific TD team and I hope we all appreciate the time and tours they each give us to play in. We had a full calendar all month and bux and fun with each tour.

Congrats to those tds reaching milestones in December: txcarla03 800 tours, foreverskaren 300 tours, witchypoo8 300 tours and forevers_april 100 tours.

Thank you to all the TDs who each earned their Christmas stocking for Christmas! BIG THANK YOU TO EACH TD!!

We are always looking for TDs to add to our staff so if your interested please fill out an application :
Free training and the more TDs the more tours and more fun so join us today :)

Looks like January is going to be busy and fun. The place to be is BeetleSpot in Foreverspades! Hope you will join us! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!!


Char  (rainbow_star_dreamer)
Newsletter Coordinator