January 2014
Welcome new members!
Hope you enjoy spading and meeting new friends.
Sit back, relax, and spade to your hearts content!

In December Stargazers league closed and merged all their members with ForeverSpades. Several were already members of both leagues.
We would like to welcome all Stargazers members to ForeverspadeSpades.
It may be helpful to add staff and members to yahoo messenger to get them blue and easier to find when the lobby is busy.
We are all ForeverSpades Spading Family and growing!

Happy New Years to every member of ForeverSpades.
We hope you have fun spading in 2014.

Did you know?
We have some very special links on the Main league page!

ForeverSpades Cookbook
Submit your recipes
Lets fill it up so we can use it! Keep submitting your recipes!
From most simple to complex share all you would like to share!

Make sure to use your ForeverSpades id as it's for members only!
So many love trivia and play it daily!

Birthday Calendar
Just click and add your id to your birth date!
Please check out the main league page; Jan works very hard to make it nice and informative; Lots and lots of links

Want to do more for ForeverSpades?
If you're an active member and have time to run one or more tourneys per week;
how about being a Tournament Director?
Just click
here for the application!

Let's take a moment to thank those tds that truly brought Christmas to ForeverSpades!!
So many tds devoting their time!
Special thanks to Char for her
stocking, bulb and Christmas tourneys!
Lots of happiness spread throughout ForeverSpades!

Another special thanks to Carla for her
Naughty or Nice Tourney!
(I'm a lil naughty)

The special trivia tourney Maggy with
Santas around the world!
I'm sure with the fun many learned some things!

Some things to look forward to this month!

Jan 11th  6 pm - Jan 12th 5 pm
Tourneys every hour for 24 hours
We are looking for donations for prizes
Ann if you're interested in donating
Prizes for most won; most played etc...
Watch for more announcements to come!

Mega Bux Tours
Every month on the 7th, 17th, and 27th!!
Entry fee 200 bux which makes greater payouts!!

We also have our regularly scheduled Specials
listed on the
tournament tab of the league page.

STAFF WAR- 3 vs 3 -2nd Tuesday 8 PM
WACKY WEDNESDAYS- All tours random partners
Last Sunday 8pm
HANGMAN - 1st Friday - 8 PM
BOUNTY TOUR - 2nd Friday- 8 PM
TRIVIA - 3rd Friday - 8 PM
BIRTHDAY BASH - 4th Friday - 8 PM
BUX BONANZA - Saturday -8 PM

MEGA BUX TOUR- 7th - 17th - 27th - Each Month - 8 PM
200 Bux Entry Fee - If you need bux please ask

Scroll the link for more specials!

We also have interleague qualifiers and participation; which can be found on the
Community Tab.


ForeverSpades offers to its members the chance to represent ForeverSpades in 4 different Interleagues. Now you do not have to play that is your choice. It's just one of many perks offered here at ForeverSpades to its members!

Qualifier tours are held monthly for the chance to play in Interleague for each Interleague we play in!  The winners and the 2nd place team winners of the qualifiers have the opportunity to represent ForeverSpades against the members of other leagues.  Winners play in Tourney 1 as FOREVERSPADES 1 and 2nd place play in Tourney 2 as FOREVERSPADES2!

When our members win these tours most are VERY proud to have earned the BRAGGING RIGHTS over the other leagues. Win or lose I am proud they did their best and had a great time playing against other leagues.

ForeverSpades gives its members the choice of whether they choose to play in Interleague so it is okay if members just don't want to play in them.  Just because you won the qualifier does not mean you have to play in Interleague. We always have members willing to sub if needed.  Sometimes our members aren't available to play the night of Interleague and this is okay too.  All members are always welcome to join the qualifier, just as any other tour and just to be able to play some spades and enjoy the time with our ForeverSpades friends and family.  If you think you are up to the challenge and like competitiveness, when you have the opportunity to represent ForeverSpades, you can play in one of Interleagues and give it a try.  See what you think and members are always welcome to come cheer on our teams :)

For more information on Interleague play please feel free to contact our Interleague Representatives. They are Char aka rainbow_star_dreamer and Assistant Maggy aka crabby_maggy.

Interleagues we play in Foreverspades:

Boss, Suicide, Reflections and Whizmajik

If you go to the main page and click on the Community tab on the top you can see the past ForeverSpades members who have played in the interleagues and won!  Looking forward to seeing you soon!

For those that Pray

Prezedent2001 is having knee replacement surgery and ankle reconstruction in January.  Pray for no complications and speedy recovery.

Several people are going thru some hard times lets remember those unspoken requests.
Pray for the new year and people celebrate safely and blessed in the new year.

Maggy's Corner

New Year's Traditions

The practice of making resolutions for the New Year is thought to have first caught on among the ancient Babylonians, who made promises in order to earn the favor of the Gods and start the year off on the right foot. (They would reportedly vow to pay off debts and return borrowed farm equipment.)

New Year celebrations begin on the evening of December 31—New Years Eve—and continue into the early hours of January 1.  Many enjoy meals and snacks thought to bestow good luck for the coming year. 

In Spain and several other Spanish-speaking countries, people eat a dozen grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months ahead-right before midnight. 

In many parts of the world, traditional New Year's dishes feature legumes, which are thought to resemble coins bestowing future financial success; examples include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern US.  Pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, so pork appears on the New Year's Eve table in Cuba, Austria, Hungary, Portugal and other countries.  Ring-shaped cakes and pastries, a sign that the year has come full circle, round out the feast in the Netherlands, Mexico, Greece.  In Sweden and Norway, rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on New Year's Eve; it is said that whoever finds the nut can expect 12 months of good fortune.  Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the New Year, including the ever-popular "Auld Lang Syne" in many English-speaking countries.

In Canada celebrations vary regionally. New Year's Eve (is also called New Years Eve Day or Veille du Jour de l'An in French ).  In cities, such as Toronto, Niagara Falls, Ontario, there are large celebrations, concerts, late-night partying, sporting events, and fireworks, with free public transit service during peak party times in most major cities.  In rural Quebec, people ice fish and drink alcohol with their friends until the early hours of January 1.

In the United States, New Years tradition is the dropping of a giant ball in New York City Times Square at the stroke of midnight.  Millions of people around the world watch the event, which has taken place almost every year since 1907.  Over time, the ball itself has ballooned from a 700-pound iron-and-wood orb to a brightly patterned sphere 12 feet in diameter and weighing in at nearly 12,000 pounds.  Various towns and cities across America have developed their own versions of the Times Square ritual, organizing public drops of items ranging from pickles (Dillsburg, Pennsylvania) to possums (Tallapoosa, Georgia) at midnight on New Year's Eve.

However you spend your New Year ForeverSpades members, know from my heart I wish you the Best Year ahead!  I am looking forward to spending 2014 with you in the Beetle Spot sharing laughter, fun and great times!

Do you have a New Years Tradition, Favorite food or Custom that you would like to share? How about your New Year's Resolution?  Did you achieve last Year’s Resolution?

Email it to us please!


Kicking this New Years off right!  Our News Team has decided to offer a little contest to its ForeverSpades members … Let's see how lucky 2014 is going to be for you!  We are awarding 1000 Bux for the following submissions:

Most Original New Years Resolution!
Funniest New Years Resolution!
Yummiest New Years Recipe!
Most Original Custom with a picture of you observing it!
e sure and include your league id so I know who you are!

Dear Andy,

I recently joined this league.  It has been a bit of an adjustment as there seems to be a bit more rules here.  I am enjoying tourneys starting on time. On another note I have noticed that several times some of us have asked for some games to be played that we used to play before we joined ForeverSpades.  How would a new member of ForeverSpades go about getting to play some of these old games?  I am also interested in playing in some of the interleague tournaments that we used to play in.  Who shall I ask these questions to? I am hoping you can answer me as I am missing some of my old buds!

Missing My Buds

Dear Missing,

We realize there's an adjustment to be made by all and we are all here to help you through it.

On the main league page there is a list of all the administrators and my suggestion would be to make a list of the games that you miss and submit it to pinkladyspady or sandyj_777.  If you click on either of their names a blank email will come up and you might want to list the games.  The board meets and votes to approve any game suggestions and bear in mind some of the ones you may suggest may have been tried here and removed due to no participation.

Now your second question is a lot easier to answer; Rainbow Star Dreamer is the coordinator for interleague participation.  Feel free to contact by email or messenger and she will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

By the way, I want to thank all of you for joining in with the rest of us in the pond so smoothly, and it appears to me, you are some good players and snagging a win is like trying to find some great fly's in the pond...l used to be able to sit on a lily pad and they would come to me...not anymore...its getting tough!

Thanks for the letter missing,
Andy Landers

If you have anything to submit for a future newsletter or have some question for "Dear Andy" please do not hesitate to contact your newsletter team. We would be glad to share your news or send your question on to Andy for another newsletter.

Your newsletter team
Ann & Maggy
Beauty_aka_Ann & Crabby_Maggy