
Greetings Foreverspades Members!!!

Welcome to all the New Members that have joined Foreverspades this past month!!

Make Yourself at home and have fun spading!

Upcoming Announcements for October!

Halloween Masquerade
Date to be announced
Get your yahoo ids ready and watch for details for registering the id with the host!

Monthly Specials to look forward to!
Thanks Char for coordinating our Specials and Interleague!

We have a winner with the Rename Grams Contest!
is the id that was chosen and Witchypoo8 submitted it and will receive 20,000 bux from Vicki!

Thanks everyone that participated. She had several wonderful submissions!

It takes great members to want to host a tourney so other members can play. If you think you have what it takes to host 1 tourney a week then please put in a TD App!!
Just click the wanted sign for a quick link to app!
We truly appreciate all of our tds and staff!!!

Without great players and staff we wouldn't be Foreverspades!

Did you know? You can earn bux by referring new members?

The MyLeague Referral Program is a way for you to earn LadderBux just for bringing new members to your League. Whenever a new member signs up for a League, they have the option of entering the username of the player who referred them. If they enter your name, then you'll be eligible to earn LadderBux for them joining the League. After 30 days, if that member is still active on the League, then you will earn 1000 LadderBux Or, if the member decides to upgrade to a premium membership, then you'll receive your referral LadderBux immediately!

So, if you're sitting in Beetle Spot, and see someone who might be interested in joining our League, be sure to say hi to them, and let them know about Foreverspades. If you're friendly to them and they end up joining our League, you can earn some LadderBux for it!

Please remember you cannot go into another league lobby and recruit. Recruiting illegally can be a strong boxing offense; but those in Beetlespot take time and help them, tell them they can put you down as a referral and welcome to Forevers!!


YAHOO is the location we as members of the league gather to play our games of spades. Yahoo is completely separate from our league and Cases/MyLeague.

If you have a "Yahoo issue" click yahoo help or ask someone if they have had similar issues. Due to Yahoo issues and lag we sometimes have to move to the "alternate room" also located in yahoo but sometimes it works better.

Lately, we have had to move often due to yahoo. We appreciate your patience and moving quickly so games can restart. The procedure for moving to the alternate room is found in the staff links on the right side of main league page.

The TD will put it on their messenger and on the tag board on main league page. The link for the alternate room is on the league page and the backdoor page.

Games that were in play will restart. If it was close to being over the losing team can always concede to help the tourney move along but that isn't a requirement. All games will restart as quickly as possible.

There are specific rules for subs etc just follow the td instruction for less confusion. Admin worked very hard to be fair when it comes to Yahoo lag/boot policy.

 Feel free to read it from the league page.

We all want fast fun games and tournaments.


For our Prayer Warriors
Requests for prayers to those that pray are as follows

Suderno (Sunny) and her family has had tragedy in the form of fire taking two children
Lin_Ben (Linda) recovering from Knee Surgery
Bingomom (Lisa)recovering from shoulder surgery
Numerous Unspoken requests

Have something you would like to share with your fellow league members/family?
Let Ann (Beauty_aka_ann) or Maggy (Crabby_maggy) know and it will be in the Next one!


Back to School game is over;

 if you packed a backpack email the backpack info to Jan!  

Find the "who's that doggy" winners posted in our League Forum!

Char Celebrated her 1500th tourney in September!

Ann celebrated her 800th tourney

Welcome back to TD Agent_Lyndz & MJohn_3507


Maggy's Corner
Enjoying the colors of the autumn leaves?

The changing fall foliage is spectacular!  Mother Nature never fails to delight us! Did you ever wonder how and why a fall leaf changes color? Why a maple leaf turns bright red? Where do the yellows and oranges come from? The leaves of trees and other plants contain three main pigments: carotene, anthocyanin, and the photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll, which captures the sun’s energy to make food for plants. As the most abundant pigment, chlorophyll is what gives leaves their green hue in spring and summer. Another chemical in leaves, auxin, it controls a special band of cells at the base of each leaf stem, called the abscission layer. During the growing season, auxin prevents this layer from fully developing and blocking the tiny, internal tubes that connect each leaf to the rest of the tree’s circulatory system.

In fall, however, cooler and shorter days trigger an end to auxin production, allowing the abscission layer to grow and cut off the circulation of water, nutrients and sugar to the leaves. When this happens, chlorophyll disintegrates rapidly, letting carotene shine through as the yellow in maple, aspen and birch leaves. Anthocyanin, meanwhile, provides the oranges and reds of maples, sumacs and oaks. When there’s less sun, anthocyanin is not as chemically active and leaves are more orange or yellow than red. But in the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor. Leaf color comes from pigments. Pigments are natural substances produced by leaf cells. The three pigments that color leaves are: chlorophyll (green) carotenoid( yellow, orange, and brown) anthocyanin (red).

As the sunlight decreases in autumn and the cool autumn temperature take hold, the veins that carry sap into and out of a leaf gradually close. A layer of cells, called the separation layer, forms at the base of the leaf stem. When this layer is complete, the leaf is separated from the tissue that connected it to the branch, and it falls. The Oaks will be red, brown and russet, Hickories will be golden bronze, Dogwoods purple/red, Birch bright yellow, Poplar, golden yellow and the Maples show a whole range of colors: orange-red glowing yellow and bright scarlet.

So Foreverspaders, as you walk outside in this wonderful Fall Season enjoy this wonderful spectacular color display of Mother Nature as she sheds her Colors!

For your enjoyment! Complete the word scramble below!

E-mail back to me your unscrambled words maggy1035@yahoo.com

I will gift you 100 BUXS!
2. Tarune
3. mtaunu
4. Gefialo
5. Tndaroicre
6. naxui
7. Tgienmp
8. Holoplryclh
9. Nsseao
10. alfl

Dear  Andy,

 My feelings are so hurt I don't know what to do.  Today a league member quit the league because I was his partner ... u see
Andy all I play is league and my rating on yahoo is only 1476 .. I know I play awful sometimes and we were losing badly especially with his 2 misbids   ... but I try so hard  to enjoy the game. I feel  horrible  for losing  today and not being able to make up the 200 points his misbids cost us.    Please tell me what to do Andy as  I don't want other players to quit because of me.

Thank You Andy


Dear Upset:

I have been around this frog pond a long time and there is one thing I have learned over the years and it's time you learned it too.  You have no control over the actions of others.  If they choose to withdraw from the league over losing a game, then you shouldn't feel guilty or upset.
I will say this, I am sure this player felt so bad about their misbids causing you both to lose, that they were embarrassed and upset.  I am sure that you would have a problem finding anyone in the league that has not misbid, so rest assured, it wasn't because of you that they withdrew.  I am glad that you hung in there and tried to make up for their misbids, but in this case it wasn't possible to make up the 200 points.
 So, as you can see, you did the best you could and that is all anyone can expect of us. 









****Beauty_aka_Ann & Crabby_Maggy****
Your NewsLetter Team!