League News & Upcoming Events:

 Hi all you ForeverSpades members. I know we haven't had a newsletter lately, but we had some changes in our admin staff and some moving around of responsibilities. Hopefully, we can get back on track. On that note, I would like to welcome two recent additions to admin...missstormygal and beauty_with_desire5. Both of these ladies are long standing members and staff, so we are blessed to add them to our admin list. We have also added several new tournament directors. I really do believe we have the best staff. Please remember that TDs are volunteers who spend their time serving the league. We are not perfect, but we are here to help this league run smooth, and a little appreciation goes a long way. I try really hard to never criticize game choices, because I am just thankful someone gave us their personal time to host a tournament. Thanks to our awesome staff for all the tournaments hosted last month. Our staff hosted 356 tournaments resulting in 9,450 matches with 680 victories. Wow! This league really rocks!
Well, I am sure some of you may have noticed I recently retired (ha ha), but I came back after a couple of days. I love this league, and I find it hard to not help out when needed. I did ask to reduce my workload, so now Ann (aka beauty_with_desires) will be doing sub reports, and I will be doing the newsletter (a less time consuming job). Please check out the main page to see all admin and their individual responsibilities. We are all here to help the league continue to run smooth and to continue to grow in members. We are always looking to add good standing members to our staff. We have a great training program here, and we never expect you to do more than fits your personal schedule. Some TDs prefer to host several tournaments a week, while others prefer to run one every week or two. 

 It takes more than an awesome staff to have a successful league. It takes great members. We had 50 new members join last month. If you see a new ID in the league, please take a second to welcome them or just say hi. It's hard being new. I am so proud to be a part of this league. I sit in the lobby and witness the fun chatter between members. I see you all go out your way to help new members. And, I see many of you show great sportsmanship in the lobby and game tables, win or lose. You peeps rock!
We had some fun specials last month. A special thanks to Char (aka rainbow_star_dreamer) for coordinating our specials and interleague games. We are planning a masquerade tournament October 30, so be looking for those details soon. Congrats to auto_team_locator and peggy_kansas_2 for winning this month's tournament of champions. For more results and schedules, check out the tournament page for specials and the community page for interleague tours. Also, when you represent our league, please remember, we are a family league and we expect members to follow the same rules there as they do in our home lobby. I know there are some adult league in some of these, but let's represent ForeverSpades in our behavior as well as our skill. Good luck to those who qualify for the upcoming tournaments!
Well I know I have rambled, but I did want to give you all a big shout out and let you all know that the staff really is working hard behind the scenes. Hope to see you all in Beetle Spot real soon. Bring your sense of humor, card skills, and your good sportsmanship with you. We got it going on there, but if you are not there, we miss you!

txcarla03, Admin